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Ing. Aleš Bufka, Ing. Daniel Rosecký

Concept Data Support Department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade has prepared this statistical report as a comprehensive national statistics on renewable energy sources. First part of the report focuses on the position of RES in the energy balance of the Czech Republic and describes in detail the development of the category of biogas and liquid biofuels.

Ing. Tomáš Bartoš, Mgr. Petr Strejček, Ph.D. MBA

Comparison of price developments in eight EU countries shows very interesting facts. Eg. for common Czech household with consumption 2.5-5 MWh / year electricity price increased in 2011 to 229% of the price in 2001. While the same household in Germany to only 115%. While the current price is very close (CR 3.07, Germany 3.50 CZK / kWh).

S čím Evropská unie měla do Durbanu přijet a nepřijela
Ing. Jan Zeman, CSc.

Article comments on the climate conference in Durban and generally evaluates negative results so far made climate conferences. Sad is that, the last climate conference in Doha ended with the same result - with no progress in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Odpovědnost při provozu plynových spotřebičů
Ing. Jiří Buchta, CSc., předseda sekce plyn ČSTZ soudní znalec - technické obory různé se specializací plynové zařízení (topné a technické plyny), CTI ČR

The unfavorable trend in the development of carbon monoxide poisoning in the operation of gas appliances category B hasn’t, despite increasing technical performance of these appliances, downward trend. What is the responsibility of manufacturers, operators, assembly and service companies, engineering inspectors and citizens - users in the operation of gas appliances in case of poisoning?

Chystá se nové zdanění fotovoltaiky
Ing. Bronislav Bechník, Ph.D., redakce

Ministry of Industry and Trade prepares an elongation of the so-called solar tax. Based on actual law, the tax is charged until end of 2013 on photovoltaic power plants commissioned during photovoltaic boom in 2009 and 2010.
The boom was caused by the previous government because of its slow response to the rapid decline in investment costs of photovoltaics. In contrast to Germany, the feed-in-tarifs (FiT) remained too high (decreased only 5 % yearly) until the end of 2010, although the Government announced its intention to reduce the FiT from 1 January 2010 already on 24 August 2009.
Actually the tax is 26 % of FiT, in fact it is retroactive reduction of FiT.
According to sources from the Ministry for following years the tax will be differentiated by individual halves years. Surprisingly the higher tax will be charged on plants commissioned in first half of 2010, in the second half of the year the tax will be lower. In the second half of 2010 the majority of photovoltaic power plants was commissioned (1295 MWp out of 1953 MWp installed since 2006). Their realization was generally started at a time when it was known government's intention to reduce the FiT. In contrast, the realization of the plants commissioned in first half of 2009 (only about 20 MWp) was generally started at a time when FiT was consistent with investment cost and no information about FiT reduction was published.

Cestovní mapa evropské energetiky 2050
Ing. Imrich Lencz, DrSc.

The article presents an extensive and detailed analytical study that explores in detail the possibility of directing the development of the European energy industry in order to achieve a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and a significant decarbonisation of the energy sector. Roadmap is not to be predictions or plan for further development, its goals are more modest, to lend a hand in finding their own paths to member countries to a sustainable, economically viable and environmentally acceptable energy economy.

Odpovědnost při provozu plynových spotřebičů
Ing. Jiří Buchta, CSc., předseda sekce plyn ČSTZ soudní znalec - technické obory různé se specializací plynové zařízení (topné a technické plyny), CTI ČR

The unfavorable trend in the development of carbon monoxide poisoning in the operation of gas appliances category B hasn’t, despite increasing technical performance of these appliances, downward trend. What is the responsibility of manufacturers, operators, assembly and service companies, engineering inspectors and citizens - users in the operation of gas appliances in case of poisoning?

Větrání a klimatizace budov s téměř nulovou spotřebou energie
Ing. Vladimír Zmrhal, Ph.D., prof. Ing. František Drkal, CSc.

Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on the energy performance of buildings requires that new buildings since 2018 (public buildings) and 2020 (all buildings) respectively were buildings with nearly net zero energy buildings. The requirement relates to the all technical systems of the buildings. The paper presents possible solutions in ventilation and air conditioning field in these buildings and presents considerations about possible developments with regard to the requirement of reducing energy consumption.

Ing. Imrich Lencz, DrSc.

The article presents an extensive and detailed analytical study that explores in detail the possibility of directing the development of the European energy industry in order to achieve a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and a significant decarbonisation of the energy sector. Roadmap is not to be predictions or plan for further development, its goals are more modest, to lend a hand in finding their own paths to member countries to a sustainable, economically viable and environmentally acceptable energy economy.

Cestovní mapa evropské energetiky
Ing. Imrich Lencz, DrSc.

The article presents an extensive and detailed analytical study that explores in detail the possibility of directing the development of the European energy industry in order to achieve a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and a significant decarbonisation of the energy sector. Roadmap is not to be predictions or plan for further development, its goals are more modest, to lend a hand in finding their own paths to member countries to a sustainable, economically viable and environmentally acceptable energy economy.

Ing. Jiří Horák, Ph.D., Ing. Kamil Krpec, Ph.D., Ing. Lubomír Martiník, Ing. Lenka Michnová, Ing. František Hopan, Ph.D., Ing. Petr Kubesa

It is generally recommended that the wood for quality burning should not have more than 20% by weight of so-called energy moisture. The described method allows a unique determination of moisture content of firewood at home.

Ing. Bronislav Bechník, Ph.D.

So far, both the feed-in-tariff (FiT) and the green bonus (GB) was paid by locally relevant electricity distributor. From January 1st 2013 the new entity enters into the transaction - OTE (Energy Market Operator). The renewable electricity will be purchased by electricity traders instead of distributors. Newly will be introduced a new scheme - hourly green bonus. The rights of existing manufacturers are fully retained.

Ing. Vladimír Valenta

The paper describes the management of district heating systems with circulating pumps with variable and controlled speed. It is shown that this control method is compared to systems with circulating pumps with fixed speed very advantageous, by substantially reducing power consumption to drive the pumps.

teplo z tepláren
Ing. Vladimír Stupavský, redakce TZB-info, Klastr Česká peleta

Proposed support for heat production from RES is set for all resources defined by law to a maximum of 50 CZK / GJ (equivalent to approx 0.16 CZK / kWh) with a regular annual increase of 2% because of the anticipated inflation. Compared to the current level of support for the production of electricity from renewable sources this is about 10 times lower.

Ivan Beneš

Our Western society is in crisis. It is increasingly obvious, that the crisis is not only economic, but it is more serious - a societal crisis. The post-war (still) high prosperity of the Western civilization is due to fossil fuels and bipolar world. Unfortunately the bipolar world ended with disintegration of the Soviet Union, and the world of fossil fuels is only an episode on the timeline of humanity. Even from the perspective of only two next generations, nowadays we are not able to predict what will be the life of our children and grandchildren like. Undoubtedly, for preservation of the core values of the Western civilisation (democracy, standard of living) transformation of both the energy and transport systems, and the way of life will be crucial. For this transformation we have much less time than the development of the Western society took from the beginning of the industrial revolution, because of the energy return of the remaining fossil fuel resources is permanently decreasing.

Ivan Beneš, City Plan

Our Western society is in crisis. It is increasingly obvious, that the crisis is not only economic, but it is more serious - a societal crisis. The post-war (still) high prosperity of the Western civilization is due to fossil fuels and bipolar world. Unfortunately the bipolar world ended with disintegration of the Soviet Union, and the world of fossil fuels is only an episode on the timeline of humanity. Even from the perspective of only two next generations, nowadays we are not able to predict what will be the life of our children and grandchildren like. Undoubtedly, for preservation of the core values of the Western civilisation (democracy, standard of living) transformation of both the energy and transport systems, and the way of life will be crucial. For this transformation we have much less time than the development of the Western society took from the beginning of the industrial revolution, because of the energy return of the remaining fossil fuel resources is permanently decreasing.

hybridní solární kolektor
Ing. Luboš Buchta, ČVUT

The article presents the current state of the issue of flat hybrid photovoltaic-thermal (FVT) collectors, focused on the differences between the basic types of collectors, their advantages and disadvantages. There is also presented an overview of the current global manufacturers. The article aims to highlight the problems but also the opportunities associated with different types of the hybrid FVT collectors.

Ing. Bronislav Bechník, Ph.D.

Another in series of expert roundtables on energy discussed mechanisms of electricity prices creation in the Czech Republic and in Germany, the context of their current development and potential development in the coming years, including relations with the development of various renewable energy sources and energy industry in both countries.

Ing. Ladislav Tintěra

Energy audit in the Czech Republic has twenty years history. The first decade was a period of searching, others ten years were period of legal obligations. The author is one of our first energy auditors. Features personal experience on the development of the methodology, legislation and practical application.

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