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Ing. Jiří Buchta, CSc., předseda sekce plyn ČSTZ soudní znalec - technické obory různé se specializací plynové zařízení (topné a technické plyny), CTI ČR

In practice we constantly fix difficulties in applying the conditions for the correct placement of appliances category B, that take away combustion air from the sorrounding of the appliance and the flue gas is removed through the flue and chimney above the roof. It is important to mention that this category of appliance participates most in flue gas poisoning including poisoning with fatal aftermath, occurring in tens of cases in the Czech Republic for the year. It is caused by the incorrect application of regulatory requirements, ie in particular the TPG 704 01.

Ing. Slavomír Entler

Fusion powered electricity will be an important part of the energy sector in the future. The European Fusion Development Agreement (EFDA) has published a roadmap which outlines how to supply fusion electricity to the grid by 2050. The key facilities of the roadmap are the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor ITER and the Demonstration Fusion Power Plant DEMO. The article brings in three parts physical basics of nuclear fusion and fusion technology, a short description of the Czech Republic's participation in fusion research and an overview of the key fusion projects.

Ing. Bronislav Bechník, Ph.D.

Recycling of PV modules in the Czech Republic is not guaranteed despite of that four companies offer the recycling already. Besides two (specialised to recycling of PV modules) subsidiaries of traditional recycling companies, third traditional recycling company cooperate with PV Cycle, and fourth company was recently established by ten stakeholders including Czech Photovoltaic Industry Association and some large operators of PV power plants. Czech legislation does not guarantee that collected money will be available when recyclation will occur.

Ing. Jiří Buchta, CSc., předseda sekce plyn ČSTZ soudní znalec - technické obory různé se specializací plynové zařízení (topné a technické plyny), CTI ČR

In practice we constantly fix difficulties in applying the conditions for the correct placement of appliances category B, that take away combustion air from the sorrounding of the appliance and the flue gas is removed through the flue and chimney above the roof. It is important to mention that this category of appliance participates most in flue gas poisoning including poisoning with fatal aftermath, occurring in tens of cases in the Czech Republic for the year. It is caused by the incorrect application of regulatory requirements, ie in particular the TPG 704 01.

Ing. Slavomír Entler

Fusion powered electricity will be an important part of the energy sector in the future. The European Fusion Development Agreement (EFDA) has published a roadmap which outlines how to supply fusion electricity to the grid by 2050. The key facilities of the roadmap are the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor ITER and the Demonstration Fusion Power Plant DEMO. The article brings in three parts physical basics of nuclear fusion and fusion technology, a short description of the Czech Republic's participation in fusion research and an overview of the key fusion projects.

Mgr. Petr Strejček, Ph.D. MBA

After the crisis in the 70 20th century, the European Community compared with a high dependency on oil and OPEC. Currently, the EU finds itself in a similar situation, depending on many energy commodities supplied from the Russian Federation. Text of the article identifies the issues the EU's dependence on gas supplies from RF and a variety of tools which Brussels and the Member States can effectively fight against unilateral dependence.

Jak dlouho nám ještě vydrží ropa?
doc. Ing. Igor Linhart, CSc., VŠCHT Praha

How long can the oil reserves last? An average inhabitant of the world consumes per day about 75 times more energy than he or she is able to exert physically by the strenth of his/her own muscles. About 80% of world energy consumption is provided by fossil fuels, among which crude oil is still the most important one. A substantial part of oil was cosumed in 150 years while the data on current oil reserves is rather contradictory. Some discrepances in the data on oil reserves are pointed out in this article.

Principy poskytování a oceňování teplé vody
Ing. Jiří Skuhra, CSc., MMR ČR

Centralized provision of hot water in the apartment building is associated with the specifics of four (commercial space, unmetered amount of heat for the preparation and distribution of hot water, the limits of specific consumption of heat, heat supply technology for domestic hot water through residential transfer stations).

Ing. Jan Schindler, redakce

The natural gas market in the world begins to change radically. Thanks to the newly built pipelines and liquefied gas tankers, LNG is natural gas becomes a commodity that can be transported in the near future to many places in the world. Natural gas prices are slowly becoming global from lokal.

Srovnání cenových trendů energetických komodit
Ing. Jiří Gavor, CSc.

Despite all the complaints on the rise in energy prices end is a bit paradoxical fact that the prices of their own energy commodities such as internationally traded coal, natural gas and electric power are currently relatively low. Nor the sooner very popular forecasts, including refurbished international agencies, the increasing scarcity of energy, which will drive prices up.

Jak funguje net metering
Mgr. Jiří Zilvar, redakce

Net metering is a way of trading electricity from renewable sources. It also works as an effective incentive to purchase renewable energy source and represents an alternative to other forms of support. In the easiest way it can be described as “turning the meter in both directions”.

Ing. Bronislav Bechník, Ph.D., Czech RE Agency, o. p. s.

The third year of European Solar Days in the Czech Republic opened. Press conference to launch the European Days of the Sun took place at the National Theatre on Tuesday, 30 April 2013 with the participation of a modest group of journalists. There was also a representative of the Czech Solar Team which will participate in solar bikes race called "The Sun Trip" - from Chambery in the France to the capital of Kazakhstan Astana. In parallel the solar bike was presented near to the National Theatre for public.
Next working day - 2 May 2013 - took place a project day named "The Sun is Life" in elementary school in Vsetin on Sychrov. Students dealed with the Sun as a source of energy, light and heat, as well as the Sun as a body in the Universe and the Sun as inspiration for artists.

Změna dodavatele energií může zkomplikovat vyúčtování
RNDr. Tomáš Chudoba

There's no law regulation to fix details of gas and electricity supply billing for big customers, such as industrial customers etc. Customer must fix it with the supplier on his own initiative in the supply contract.

Mgr. David Hanslian, Mgr. Jiří Hošek, PhD., RNDr. Zuzana Chládová, PhD., Mgr. Lukáš Pop

Other important aspects of wind conditions over the area of the Czech Republic are discussed in the second part of the article. This include the distribution of wind speed and prevailing wind direction, which, can vary significantly between the sites in the Czech Republic.

Mgr. David Hanslian, Mgr. Jiří Hošek, PhD., RNDr. Zuzana Chládová, PhD., Mgr. Lukáš Pop

While an actual map of the mean wind speed at the height of 100 m above ground (i.e. at the height of state-of-the-art "large" wind turbines) was created and published in 2007 – 2008, only less accurate older data were available for the conditions closer to the ground. This gap is filled by presented article and concurrently published map of the wind speed at the height of 10 m. Furthermore, other important aspects of wind conditions over the area of the Czech Republic are discussed. These results can form a useful tool for those interested in construction of small wind turbines.
To calculate the average wind speed at a height of 10 m above the surface the same procedure and the same input data as for “wind map” at a height of 100 m above the ground were used. The resulting wind map is a synthesis of three calculation models used for long time at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics AS CR: VAS, WAsP and PIAP.

Nové požadavky na hodnocení energetické náročnosti budov
Ing. Miroslav Urban, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Karel Kabele, CSc.

In connection with the implementation of the revised European Directive 2010/31/EU on the energy performance of buildings, certain legislative provisions such as Decree No. 148/2007, Coll. Replaced by Decree No. 78/2013, Coll. are currently amending. This article is focused on the changes associated with the energy certification of buildings, the "ENB", from the perspective of changes in the evaluation ENB.

Ing. Bronislav Bechník, Ph.D.

Czech legislation introduced special regime of responsibility and funding of recycling of the photovoltaic modules installed until 2012. The special regime was motivated by the fear that PV modules will remain in the field at the end of life as its owner will go bankrupt controlled.
For every other electronic devices their producers are responsible for recycling since 2005. For photovoltaic modules the producers responsibility in the Czech Republic starts from 2013. For the modules installed until 2012 the owners are responsible for recycling. Before June 30 2013 the owners must enter into contract with a recycling company dedicated to photovoltaic modules recycling, which must be founded by at least four manufacturers of electronic devices (not necessarily photovoltaic modules). The recycling company have to estimate a fee for recycling despite of that no company in the Czech Republic has experience with large-scale recycling of photovoltaic modules. The owners then must pay the fee between 2014 and 2019. Regarding 30-year lifetime of PV modules the recycling will only rarely occur before 2040.
There is no obligation to deposit the collected fees on a blocked account nor another restriction for its use. This implies there is fear the recycling company will go bankrupt controlled. The supposed problem was not solved it was only shifted to another level.

Byly výkupní ceny elektřiny z fotovoltaiky stanoveny přiměřeně?
Ing. Bronislav Bechník, Ph.D.

Energy Regulator Office is often alleged of setting feed-in-tarff (FiT) for photovoltaic of an undue advantage which later caused photovoltaic boom in 2009 and 2010. Based on comparison with FiT in Germany it is shown that the allegations are exaggregated. Probably the main cause of the photovoltaic boom was the fact that photovoltaics was ignored in the Czech Republic. In substance no discussion occurred about PV until the end of 2008, attention was focused on wind power. In addition, the development in 2009 was very rapid and it occurred at a time of political instability.

Dipl.-Ing. Dietmar Staudacher, Fronius Česká republika s.r.o.

So far it was assumed that the PV systems with an east-west orientation need separate inverter for each orientation or at least inverter with two MPP trackers to avoid mismatch losses. Analysis of such system shows that with one MPP tracker losses are relatively small.

Energetika – vybrané pojmy
Ing. Dalibor Matějů

Commented explanation of several key terms of energy, especially from portfolio of renewable and non-renewable energy sources used both in current energy systems and in systems considered in the near future in the Czech Republic.

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